Monday, February 18, 2008

Family Day!

So this past weekend was our first and very new long weekend of the year. Thanks to Dalton Mcguinty (the Premier of Ontario). I believe this might be the first good thing that the premier has done. Thursday and Friday did not feel like a long weekend was approaching but the hype was really going around at work and yes the hype came through oh what a weekend! Saturday at my cousins, Sunday at the autoshow and then Monday i went skiiing (well actually snowboarding) with MYNA (muslim youths of North America) and now Tuesday i really do not look forward to going back to work/school. Gahhhh

Friday, February 8, 2008

Weird Days

Its been a weird today...i woke up this morning to find that my house was egged (right on the windows) and then during juma today one of the Masjid admins got on the mic and said how his car tire was slashed during juma last week. While he said this all you heard was ... "OHHH SHIIIIIIIIT!" haha it was actually funny as i was smiling about that comment i heard but not that his tires got slashed. Nauzubilllah i hope that guy gets caught who ever cut the mans tire up.