Thursday, March 6, 2008

Dr. Jamal Badawi - Divorce

An Amanicle Separation Before Problems Arise
  1. Premarital professional Islamic counselling
  2. Right choice (religious & character)
  3. Affordable marital gift and wedding. Avoid day after financial troubles.
  4. Reasonable & realistic = expectations
  5. Mutual kindness and Respect (30:21)
  6. Complimentary & comparitive project
Dealing with marital problems privately
  1. Think of wives positive character (4:19)
  2. Either side may exhort one another (9:71)
  3. A wife who fears exhortion may compromise with her husband to a fair solution. "Nushuz"
  4. #3 but gender swapped
  5. If wife insists infractions the husband may suspend intimate relations (Does not mean leave home)
  6. most cases are to be resolved by that time
Does the Quran sanction "beating"?
  1. Surah #4, right to protect vulnerable in society
  2. Ayah 32, acceptance of differencebut equitable genders variation.
  3. Ayah 34, (support, protect) to guide. No superiority of human, gender. All equal power.
  4. Leadership is responsibility
  5. Obedience
  6. Ayah, praises obedient wives
  7. form of disrespect of the husband and a threat to family stability.
  8. Cant strike face, not even a mark on the body.
  9. no slap or punch
  10. Problem must be admitted by all community
  11. Prophet SAW never resorted to that
  12. Rule of lesser harm apply
  13. Laws to stop violence and abuse are compatible with Quran
  14. (30:21) Marriage is love, tranquility and compassion
Other means of Reconciliation
1. Family mediations or arbitrations

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